greetings fella. Firstly why have you called it a mini 'sprite'. never heard of that one, the Austin 'sprite ' was , as you know, the 'bug eye sprite', 2 seater soft top jobbie. just wondered that was all! So its basically a std 998 mini with big wheels? Do you have a single SU or twin SU's. Do you give it some welly around town, as that is poor mpg for a mini. You could block the grill, as there is no radiator behind it anyway. The underside is prob as smooth as you can get it really. Simple trick, try putting a stronger return spring on the throttle cable, so you have to push harder. You could double check the points gap, and dwell angle, then strobe the timing. Howz your air filter?. have you topped up the oil in the SU's plunger. Check your hand brake its'nt binding,/ sticking on. How are your MOT emmissions?
