I have heard many importing JDM stuff, like R-type Civics etc. Maybe used such might be possibility, of course one with lesser motor swapped or completely another model of such import?
Only 25% of tax? We pay 23% from every day items, cars can be a lot more tax can reach almost to price you pay from car, even if imported from another EU country, cars imported from US are roughly 200% taxed from my memory.
Even new Camaro Convertible with AT costs around 90 000 euros here, that is almost 120 000 US dollars.
I think that imports there are not really expensive, it just feels like so as they are taxed bit more than originally sold there models, compared to many other countries even taxed price will be relatively low what I have heard.
That said, still relative additional cost might be hard to justify when compared to fuel savings, in such job car is just something consumable which need to be replaced relatively often, also it is a tool which costs should be kept at minimum.
Brake pads etc might cost quite a bit for some less common models, so it would be good to put all estimated costs on paper and do the comparing of models. Manual transmission would be rather annoying in such driving too.
Here post guys use small Volkswagen diesels with manual transmissions, I wonder how many clutches they go in a year, also their left leg must be rather more developed than right one