@slowmover No, I'm not part of those forums. I initially got turned on to HSS because I had Ford Powerstrokes. After getting in contact with the owner and chemist of HSS, I tried it out in a Freightliner that was running like garbage ( that one had the MB MBE900 ). It transformed the truck. Took 2 bottles to do it, and felt the difference in 100 miles of running. After 1000 miles, it was night and day.
I am not the type that puts stuff up unless it's legit, and this product is the real deal. Engines that have HEUI or cam/rocker actuated unit injectors that get affected by carbon and varnish buildup are the ones that this product works the best on. With common rail injection systems like the one you have on your ISB, you don't have to worry about oil contamination on the actuation side since actuation is all electronic, like a gasoline injector. The other benefit of HSS is it will clean out all the coking inside the turbo and carbon buildup on the piston rings.
This is a sidebar, but it will directly affect the OP and you: look into putting a Filtration Solutions FS2500 bypass filter on your units. Best in the business, extends the life of the engine exponentially and will save you a ton on oil changes.
I have done long distance driving for more years than I care to admit, and getting your route down to a science is absolutely correct as slowmover said. What I do in stop and go traffic will save you time shifting and keep you moving ( getting on and off the clutch with 10-13 speeds is a pain in the butt ). I back off and let a gap of 10 or more car lengths open up for me, stick it in a gear that will let me idle the vehicle to keep that gap, and let all the leadfooted idiots run in and out switching lanes while I keep moving constantly. I end up passing them every time. Saves your brakes and clutch. While they fight for that 5 feet stressin' out, I motor right past them.
Volvo WIA42 VED-12 / 335 hp / 1300 ft/lbs / 9 mpg
Big n' Boxy, Never met a Hill it Didn't Like
Last edited by cleanspeed1; 04-03-2012 at 11:36 PM..