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Old 05-30-2008, 10:41 PM   #1 (permalink)
Enthusiast Kinda
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 28

2005 HCH - '05 Honda Civic Hybrid XL
90 day: 46.19 mpg (US)
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Hello with a question

Hey, I'm from Minnesota and I've got a 2005 HCH that ranges from 40mpg in the winter to 55 in the hottest in the summer (that's with my dad's driving). Now this is the first summer I've had the car and it's starting to get warm here and I've been getting 50 mpg by just driving "as though I don't have a break" but there is one point in my commute to work where I have to turn onto a 50 mph road that goes uphill. My mpg usually goes down 1 every time I go up it, any ideas on how to get this to not go down so much?

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