Daox -
Originally Posted by Daox
Thanks. I really dislike sloppy mods. If its going to be done, I really try to take the extra time and make it a clean setup. Speaking of which, this install isn't quite done. I'm going to try to find myself a male socket that I can mount on the car. But, it'll have a spring loaded door like an outdoor socket you would have on your house. I haven't looked into getting one of these yet, or exactly where I'll mount it, but I'd really like it.
I'll have to look into the kill-a-watt dealy. Do you have any links, or is this a common home improvement store item?
Here's the Kill-A-Watt :
Kill-A-Watt - $24.99
If you look around, you may be able to find a better price.
EDIT : Here's the manufacturer, P3 :
This is ideal for the engine block heater, because you can do a cost-benefit analysis.