Totally worth the money. I bought mine with 8k 4 years ago and now have 72K

I haven't even adjusted the valves, mainly cause I've checked and it doesn't need it. I've raced and beat on it hard. (aside from chains, sprokets and tires. Did change the forks springs) To this day I've not had any mechanical operating or drive-ability problem. Even when I and it hit a guard rail at 45mph. I fixed the dents and re painted it and she rides again and has been since. I am about to get a new bike and still race this one. I've taken many trips and geared it 4 down in the rear and one up as I have plenty of open road here and do a lot of freeway driving. Same mpg as the other here. I also, when I drive in town our up here in our mountain community a lot of pulse and glide driving. I take advantage of going down the hills and coast. Getting 160 to 190mpg per tank. All depending on how you drive it. Mine is an 02 full fared S model. I also have a varying air valve for the intake box to lean or rich it up simply by changing the air availability. It's carburated so I take advantage of that. I use a digital a/r meter to see where I'm at with an lamda 02 at the collector from both exhausts.
Bought mine for $800.00 cause the guy thought it blew a head gasket. Almost impossible so took a chance,....he had over filled it by almost three quarts oil. Dumped and refilled and has run great ever since.