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Old 04-08-2012, 07:26 PM   #31 (permalink)
Building the future! :-)
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Brings to mind an analogy...

When I was a pup, I visited a lot of airshows with my toy sales business. In the midst of all the high horsepower, specialized airshow aircraft and the guys who flew them, there was invariably a "comedy cub" act.

Now, I grew up idolizing the best aerobatic pilot in the world at the time, Leo Laudenslager. and the act went something like this:

The announcer would announce that "drunken farmer Joe, the guy mowing the show grounds with his tractor was going to get a free plane ride as pay for his work"

Somehow there would be a staged commotion and the "real pilot" would fall out of the plane, leaving "Farmer Joe", having no flight experience, at the controlls.

The show would consist of the low level antics and near misses one would expect of a drunken novice in a runaway airplane.

But here is the point...

ANYONE can look good in a high horsepower plane, just push the throttle to get out of damn near anything.

To do all that, and that low, with a 70 year old airplane with less horsepower then a prius c, AND make it look good takes a DAMN FINE pilot. The comedy cub routine was ONLY flown by the absolute best pilots :-)

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