Originally Posted by Frank Lee
If everybody regularly rode those bicycles that are hanging in their garages, they'd be a lot more sensitive to tire air pressure and how often it needs to be checked! 
Oh gee, when I biked to school (in high school), I was always late and biked as fast as possible. I had a road bike, tires recommended 90psi. My previous bike had different tires rated for 110 or something, so I always overfilled to 105ish. If they had over 100psi, I got to school on time. Once I tried having them at 90, and I could tell the difference! If they dropped anywhere below 80 I'd be exhausted and slow down.
The "suspension" on mountain bikes saps a surprising amount of energy too. I had a "mountain bike" (by that I mean a cheapo Target bike with some shocks), and adjusting the rear springs to the highest possible preload I could give them with a wrench, it became much easier to ride.