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Old 04-09-2012, 09:40 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wagonef8 View Post
I see I mostly deal with older Honda's 88-91 so maybe if you add a separate 12v wire for VSS and toggle on alternator it might work
If this alternator fuse is only 15amps, then it won't disable the main charging wire, because that can be 50-60amps(even higher, i don't know).

So if that's just disabling the yellow/black field exciter wire, then we're back to square 1 of, "the alternator only needs 1 wire to charge".

Or so i'm thinking. I'll have to find the alt fuse and test this theory.

Originally Posted by brucepick View Post
SO -
If your setup has that capability, you don't need to switch the alt on and off frequently. Only for the occasional longer trip, or one that has unusually heavy use of lights and/or other electrical accessories. With that as a basis, I see it as not a big deal to pop the hood to switch the alt's output on/off, and to attach or detach the 4-pin connector. On occasion, not very often.
Yeah that certainly does make sense. I'm going to do a few more tests before I give up. Last night out of curiosity I disconnected the 4 pin plug again, made a jumper from the alternator charging control wire to ground, like in my original post on this thread, and it appeared to not be charging at all. With a large electrical load I was seeing 11.x volts, whereas with my original setup it looked to be still charging just at a slow rate. I'm wondering if some combination of this ground and pulling one of the other 3 wires will disable the alternator.

So i'm going to go out and check.
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