Originally Posted by Ryland
If you bought 396 pouches and wired them up 149v and 180ah that would give you around a 26800 watt hour battery pack and if that other guy with a civic was getting 270 watt hours per mile with hard driving in a car with a lead acid pack that would be 99 miles with a lithium pack that size if you took it to 100% DOD, not a great idea, but it would give you an easy 70 mile if not 80 mile range and I would hope that for $8,000 worth of batteries that they would give you a small price break too.
Can I correlate my wh/mile to mpg?
For example on highway I can get 60mpg hyper milling ... Maybe 35-40mpg in town.
Can I then say my wh/mile will probably be more (less efficient) in town vs the freeway ?
He did say he can get 210/wh driving nicely. I can't guarantee I can beat that, but I'm pretty sure I can hypermile past that..
Can u hypermile in an ev (I only usually go as far as just putting the clutch in and coasting in neutral.
Side note: while driving I thought of regenerative shocks. Is there such a thing?
Does anyone here live in Oregon?