Originally Posted by JRMichler
Years ago, I was driving at the speed limit on a two lane state highway. As I entered a sweeping left curve, a string of six or so oncoming cars approached along with a speeder passing the whole string in a no passing zone. I went onto the shoulder, as did the car behind me. The car behind me was a state patrol car.
Did mr state patrol car turn around? I assume so.
Had a really weird thing happen today on the way home.... Driving 45mph like always, and again same road I spoke of before, but past the schools (2 lane normal back road style). Anyway since I read this thread, I have been watching how long people take before they notice me and start to slow down, or how they plan their moves. So many of them come flying up to me, slow down, then when it is at least a mile clear then they will pass. A few others noticed me way ahead of time and didn't slow down a bit since it was clear and safely passed. Well... last person that passed me did the didn't slow down and passed on a wide open road. about a 1 1/2 miles down the road, they put their flashers on and stopped in the middle of the road. I coasted up behind them as they jumped out and went to their trunk and grabbed a tool. I was really confused, and traffic was coming so no passing. Well.... I guess someone hit a raccoon, and they opted to stop and scrap them off the road to the shoulder of the road. The guy gave kind body signs, signaling sorry for stopping you, I just sat there amazed at the actions.
Besides stopping traffic directly behind him, the opposite traffic stopped due to the flashers and the fact he is stopped in the middle of the lane and was running around the front of his car.
I didn't get mad or anything, it was just odd, I bet I looked like

I got to get that camera system! lol
Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I had a Hwy Patrol blow my doors off; about 130 mph and he was barely even over the centerline, no lights or siren, scared the crap outta me. I called HQ and they're like "Durrr... what?" 
Not surprised, my dad has something similar, I don't remember the story exactly, but basically it was along the lines of a speeder passed him, and he got over to pass a slower car after the speeder passed. Out pops a cop car from the median, and my dad had to slam the brakes on to avoid the wreck. I don't think he had lights on right away but did afterwards.