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Old 05-31-2008, 01:32 PM   #5 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2008
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Well as for fixing it up... I've had a few mechanics look at it and although it's doable... the consensus is that it's not really worth it... big ol crack in the left crank case? cover (that or engine cover or something) plus a myriad of missing parts (mostly electrical/aesthetic). I bought the bike for 200$ and it looks like close to a 1k to fix (over 300$ in parts). I've done the research and a new bike would still run me as much, but the problem is that it's outside of my budget for a high gas mileage vehicle (under 500$). I really like this bike... and because of it's condition I really don't think I'm gonna get my money back trying to re-sell it.

If I were still back home (California) where I have friends who do this kind of work and could get the labor cheap/free I could afford it, but even an at-home mechanic charging 20$ an hour it's still too much. I'm not sure what is more of a pain about this, that I bought it and I don't know if I can ever ride it, or that after doing a lot of looking around I can't think of anything else I'd like to get (mopeds don't really fit the look I want and motorcycles aren't the MPG I want and I'm still wary of riding something over 150cc right now)

Anyhow back to this project, assuming I did convert it I would probably pull out the gas tank (under seat) and try to cram one or 2 batteries in there, put another on the back rack and possibly a 4th above the engine (mounted to the beam), I would probably have to change the sprocket ratio's(?) in order to get the kind of torque I would need to carry my frame (210lbs) up the final hill to my apartment (fairly steep and long), and I would definitely need a powerful enough motor to do it.

Another thought I had was possibly changing the vehicle to a bio-diesel bike. Although the electric conversion has a certain romance to it that I like, I think it might impractical due to the hilly nature of Ann Arbor Mi (where I live) not to mention the fact that there are no outlets near where I can park it... and it's a bit heavy to pull up the short 6 foot flight of stairs to the back porch EVERY night. By putting a whole new diesel setup on the bike it would probably mean a whole new engine right? I realize no matter what I do (Fix, electric conversion, or diesel conversion) it is going to cost way more than I want to spend, but if it works (especially the bio-diesel/electric ideas) it would pay for itself in only a few years, plus it would be fun!

I really know nothing about this kind of work so I really need lots and lots of ideas and brainstorming on how to go about doing all of this. I think I will create 2 separate posts for this project, one for the electric conversion, and one for the diesel... if you have ANY ideas on where to start, etc. etc. please let me know.


p.s. I will edit this post with pictures and links to the other post in a bit

Here's the link to the Diesel Conversion Post (complete with poll asking what you think I should do with the thing)

Last edited by papaslides; 05-31-2008 at 01:58 PM..
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