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Old 04-12-2012, 12:58 PM   #107 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redyaris View Post
The $1.- fine is a message to the peace officer; that he/she should not waste the courts time with matters of this sort.
The $115.50 court cost is relatively small compaired to the hourly cost of running a court house and all the people in it...
In Canada there is no such thing as court costs for traffic court, we see that as an impedement to access to justice, and thus a violation of our charter of rights and freedoms.
I think Sweden or Norway, have a traffic ticket fine system that bases the amount of the fine on Your income!? I remember on TV an interview with a guy who was fined $30,000 for a speeding ticket. He did drive a rather expensive Mercedes...
In Finland you can get fine of 300 000 if you have big income, I think that we hold close to world record of fines from relatively low speeding offence, but just this week one was convicted from driving over 140kph against red light, killing and permanently disabling people, he got 1.5 year no jail and small fine as he was young and poor.

Norway has perhaps bit more serious punishments from drunk driving etc. but I'm not sure if they have fines that go as high as ours and if their system is as badly off tuned than ours.

I think that there would be lot of room to improve in our system.

Does officer has video from his car? I would of thought that all police cars have now system that records all the time what happens and I think that there might be chance to get that video based on freedom of information act or such?
Don't know your system too well, just bits and pieces, but at least in here we can have video that is always recorded in police cars, that is because person must be allowed all evidence so he can defend himself.

But maybe to get that one would need to appeal and that might become costly.

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