I got my 36T rear sprocket, -2 teeth, to go along with my +1 in the front and should have that on in time, but will be competing at Watkins Glen next week with the stock bodywork. This is alright as I don't mind showing up on an essentially stock looking bike to show people that you don't need any major money or mods on the CBR250R to easily break 100mpgUS in competition. I ended up settling on aluminum for the rear sprocket but paid extra for the hard coating. $61 from PMP sprockets in Texas. Will change to Motul 300V 5W30 next week also.
I did pick up a roll of coated .018 aluminum trim for the skin when I get around to making my tail but it isn't crucial to get that done until the Vetter challenge in July. I have been delaying the instal on the tail as my son has been learning on my bike but picked a third motorcycle last week (07 Ninja 650 to go with my daughters Ninja 250 and my Honda) so now he has his own. Funny, this time last year I didn't have any motorcycles.

I also have a speedo DRD to heal the speedo error which should be a 1/2 hour install and have ordered an MPGuino but probably won't get that on in time to play with it before next week. I had plans for experimenting with a vacuum gauge and added mass on a hill and also wanted to play with some marine gasoline but never got around to it so at this point I am just going to show up and ride. In last years road rally, the only vehicles to break 100 were ultra high tech professional competition vehicles so I should have a good chance of making the top 5 on my $4100 bike both days.