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Old 04-14-2012, 01:02 AM   #10 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Western NC
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Leanburn engines have been a challenge to automakers from the beginning with NOx levels being difficult to control, and as each year goes on the emissions restrictions become more aggressive. Now we have NOx converting catalysts, but with a cost.

If you '96+ vtec-e guys have determined the IAT's are the culprit, bluffing the ecu into staying in that critical window may not be that difficult. Since resistance of the thermistor goes down with increasing temps, using a fixed resistance "simulator" with a SPDT switch may be an option. I doubt there are any appreciable ignition corrections that would cause a problem for the intended application, and since we ecomodders tend to live in closed loop, fuel would correct itself.

And 4 In.Hg. is nearly full throttle, where mine stays 90% of the time, and even has the throaty intake tone to go with it. A vacuum gauge is a powerful tool with LB engines.
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