I've had a boattail installed on my car since 2006 and have driven close to 200,000 miles with it on the car.
Parallel parking and backing up are no problem since the enlarged interior of my car extends way back into the boattail. The rear of the interior is less than 2 feet from the tip of the boattail so I can use glances into the back of the interior compared to what I see out of the rear window to keep my distance perception when backing up.
My boattail narrows from side to side as well as from top to bottom so "wagging the tail" in a sharp turn isn't a problem.
My car, with boattail, is the same length as a Ford Explorer, so any parking spot large enough to handle a large SUV will fit my car.
In normal driving, I can drive as though the boattail wasn't there. Its a bit more sensitive to crosswinds than it used to be, but I've driven other vehicles that were much worse in a crosswind.