Originally Posted by bandit86
So nobody had a scangauge reading with and without hho?
The people who I've talked to who tried it said that the Scangauge didn't pick up their improvements because their input of hydrogen fooled the sensors or some such BS, a ScanGauge is counting how long the injectors are open and how fast the car is going to figure out MPG, so yes, it would work, it would be very simple proof, if it did work, but so far I haven't found a single person who can prove that it works.
My neighbor, a collage kid is insisting on trying a hydrogen generator on his car, he hasn't built one yet but I have loaned him my scangauge so he can get a baseline and also see how it works, I also pointed out to him that he will not see an improvement but he want's to try it anyway, just for the hell of it, so he will be doing so with instrumentation.
I think he's wasting his time.