It has been my experience that an unpopular opinion can get a person turned on in a hurry on a forum. I have had it happen to me both here and on The difference is that neither got me kicked off the website. With that said, I wouldn't pass judgement on either side unless I read the thread. From the other side of the argument, ptero may have seemed to be very obnoxious or combative. Not that I imply that was the intent, but written word fails to impart the intended meaning sometimes (like when I text my wife and she reads a tone that isn't there, whoo! Look out!).
With that said, it does sound to me like ptero is passing judgment on the Volt based almost solely on one narrow area: the economic impact of the vehicle to the consumer. If that were the only factor, we would all be driving Metros around until the frame rusted away. The Honda Insight can be argued to be the greatest factory issued Eco-mobile ever, yet Honda revamped it into a car that is barely recognizable to first gen owners like me. Yet the folks at Honda are selling more of them and actually making money doing it, so one could argue gen 2 is a better car. We needed gen 1 and the original Prius, even if you don't like hybrids, because they pushed the envelope and improved the breed. Does anyone think the Cruze Eco would be nearly as good of a car without the Volt? That is only the tip of the iceberg.
Well, that and I can see people getting annoyed by someone driving a Smart that such and such car is useless, as the Smart has been largely panned as being pretty disappointing from a standpoint of cost and compromise for disappointing fuel economy. I am not agreeing with them as I won't pass judgment until I drive one, but those that have probably threw a few jabs for it.