Originally Posted by steffen707
If you remap the fuel table in a modern EFI system and tell the injectors to flow less, then yes it will lean out in whatever manner you program it to.
Then you don't need smaller injectors, do you?
I thought I read that the VX will go to 20:1-25:1 AFR. This is a lot more than the 15:1 you were talking about.
Please reread my post. What I wrote was "
Running an engine at peak egt (A/F ratio about 15:1...plus or minus)..." That is nothing like the leanest an engine can go. And then I wrote, "
I don't know how lean they can go (anybody know?), but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it's well over 16:1.". I didn't know it could go as lean as 25:1. That's very impressive.

Best tank ever: 72.1 mpg in February 2005, Seattle to S.F.
New personnal best 'all-city' tank June '08 ... 61.9 mpg!
Thanks to 'pulse-n-glide' technique.