As Rovers were predominantely british cars I haven't found much on here about ecomods for it. One person came on last year with a ZR sporting a 1.4l K-Series that they said was "lean burn" but I have no experience with any lean burn set up on these cars. They are fairly efficienct though, and I want to boost it as much as possible.
So far what I'm wanting to try is:
-Dual hot/cold air intake, regulated electronically to control temperature
-Block one or both front grilles, possibly controllable at different speeds like the new ford focus
-Set up EGR to reduce manifold vacuum and allow the throttle to open further to get the same oxygen, reducing pumping losses, also hopefully cutting down on emissions from my next step
-Lean burn set up on low engine speeds only
-Fit the diesel model gearbox which gives me 14-17% lower RPM while cruising
-Injector disable/enable for pulse and glide
-Possibly a belly pan, not sure yet
-Implement cylinder deactivation under cruising
-Lower injector shut off point at zero throttle down to 1200RPM from 1600RPM
Cylinder deactivation I take it is tricky on a 4 cylinder engine because of how unbalanced it would make it. My plan is to use a microcontroller to disable one cylinder at a time but alternate between them. I.e. disable one for 0.2 seconds, then another, then another, moving in the firing order to minimize vibration. Don't know how well this would work but I'd have to see.
Ultimately I'd have to switch to my own form of engine management to make it run the way I want, but that would cost more than I'm prepared to spend at the current time. My main goal for the moment is to at least beat the Diesel model which gets 63mpg on the highway. I know if you drove it right you would get 70 out of the diesel, so that's the next target after that.
Am I heading down the right track guys? I'll be posting updates etc. to document the gains/losses and I'll try to make up some form of guide for the electronics if it pays off.