Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Well... yeah... but some rural people do have emergencies that are best served by hauling *** to town rather than waiting for ? to 1: FIND the place 2: get there.
Sure, some are indeed such, like injuries by accidents etc.
But getting there should remain ahead of going as fast as possible, at rural area one should have skills in defensive driving for those cases.
If there are close accidents, others have to jump on brakes etc. then one is doing it wrong, no matter what the emergency is.
I wish that information of these kind of clips would be available readily to every driver. In UK advanced driving is term, I don't know if in US defensive driving contains this part too, but basic idea is to go fast without trying to go fast.
When doing emergency driving one must be smooth, never try to go 100%, leaving enough time for surprises, I like to do all my driving this way planning ahead even I do hypermiling under speed limit, especially on our hills speed is decreasing with almost every driver here, there is always few too busy to think that don't slow for anything.
If better driving is anyone's interest, then I recommend watching rest of videos from that Advancedbiker youtube user, there is many good points in them, even those are for motorbikes, it is pretty much same with cars.
If everyone would apply those points to use, then there would be a lot less close accidents and other surprises on road.
edit: Oh yes, with circuit racing, I did learned early that going slower is going faster, braking early, making apex applying power earlier makes a lot, again it is opposite what initially my emotion tells, but so it always is.