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Old 04-18-2012, 06:06 PM   #18 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Now that my car seems to running alright, I think I'll try the advice you guys have given and fix this problem.

I should add that in the last decade of using the car, I have used the A/C maybe a grand total of twenty minutes. There is still the original freon in the A/C lines.
Could this have anything at all to do with the vent problem ?

I have always assumed that the vent operated independantly of the A/C.

If I take the car in to get the freon replaced with more ecofriendly refrigerant, I would imagine a lot of shops would just take my money and vent the unused ozone harming freon into the air and think " what a dumb arse ! "
What happens to unused old freon in a case like this if I pay to have it replaced with ecofriendly stuff ?
Which is more harmful to the Environment, replacing the freon or using the freon already within the car ?
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