Originally Posted by t vago
There are, to my knowledge, only three proven effective methods of reclaiming exhaust heat energy to do something useful.
Er, the examples you gave were of reclaiming blowdown pressure though :O
Blowdown surely represents a loss but with perfect recovery you'd be only getting back maybe like 5-10% more energy. It has its place of course, I'd love a blowdown powered alternator using a free flowing turbine

Would reduce noise too.
I was talking more about a secondary heat engine running off the thermal energy itself :O BMW turbosteamer is probably the closest one to production, and I don't see that happening for some time. Thermoelectrics seem to be at the very least several years off from even viable prototypes. There's also SMA engines, whose progress I haven't really bothered to follow, though I understand they have a somewhat low theoretical peak efficiency by design.