Originally Posted by serialk11r
The other issue is that a turbine is not actually converting heat into work, it is only scraping up leftover uncollected work, if you get what I mean. Expansion in a turbine is adiabatic, the amount of heat energy ideally stays the same while the net "work" done on the gas goes down (pressure drop). In real life some of the work turns into heat because of friction (blanket term for all of the losses).
Leftover... uncollected... work.
You really have no idea how a turbine works, do you? Tell me what happens to the pressure of a gas, when it forced through a nozzle. Then, tell me what happens to that gas's temperature.
And do please try to explain all those percentages you keep throwing around. 10% = 3%? 35% efficiency out of an internal combustion engine? And why do you mention full load? Everyone knows that most internal combustion engines do not run at full load all the time. In fact, that's why they're dinged with such low efficiency.