Originally Posted by steffen707
neat, how does the supermid show you lean burn? I thought most people had to use a wideband meter to know that.
Isn't the supermid pretty much the same as the mpguino? I just know when i'm in lean burn because i'm getting above 50mpg while cruising, and then if i step on the gas a little too much it drops to 36mph. 
The supermid displays injector pulsewidth and you can see it suddenly drop or rise about 2 usec (independent of changes in throttle position) as it enters or leaves lean burn. Max lean burn pulsewidth is 5.9 on a 90 F degree day and 6.3 when it in the 20's F. As you push the throttle beyond that limit, it suddenly rises into the 7's as it leaves lean burn.
The supermid has a lot more display outputs than the mpguino. Simultaneously it displays the current pulsewidth, current mileage (l/100km), mileage over the last 5 km, total mileage, mileage with the engine running, % of distance with the engine off, total fuel used, total distance, and some timers. Then this display is duplicated fivefold so you set it up for multiple users or driving scenarios. It was originally designed to be used on the Prius, but can be used on any 4 cylinder car with injector and speedometer pulse train inputs.