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Old 04-21-2012, 03:59 PM   #3 (permalink)
t vago
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Not sure about that pump, but the Toyota MR2 pump has a pin that receives vehicle speed from a speed sensor. That allows its on-board computer to vary the pump power according to said speed. There's another pin that enables or disables the pump, which is normally controlled by the main engine computer.

Another pin is an output pin that tells the engine computer to raise the power of the engine if it's at idle.

Finally, there's an output pin that goes to a light on the dashboard, which warns the driver if there's a problem with the pump.

Unfortunately, the Peugeot 307 schematics you found do not actually label the wires/pins. That means you have a bit of work ahead of you, decoding what each pin does on your pump.
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