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Old 04-22-2012, 12:15 AM   #28 (permalink)
Diesel Lover
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 15

pumpkin - '06 smart Fortwo Pure Cabrio
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I know of one converted locally to me, he recently sold it and was claiming 40mpg (imp) so 36 mpUSg. I believe he used a lot of military issue parts on the 6.2 like the intake manifold etc to clear the hood, cannot remember exactly all of it we did talk until dark one evening...he did install a diesel valve body into the transmission so it would not over rev the engine did keep the 700r4. I believe he upgraded the front springs also. I don't remember what he did over the p/s pump, possibly had an alternative location for the pump from a different vehicle or deleted abs. He was hardcore into self made bio diesel also.
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