I drive a '95 Geo Metro 3 cylinder 5 speed and decided to do this mod. I got everything hooked up tonight. It works, but not exactly how I pictured it. I think I might have to do some fine tuning with the DIP switches. It seems to over react and pulse & glide, rather than using small subtle changes in the throttle. I just tested it in town. From what I gathered on my short little run. It doesn't seem to know how to resume speed, or MPG in this case. It seemed to lock in 45 mpg pretty well, but that doesn't do me any good when my lifetime average MPG is over 51 mpg for the last 3 years. It couldn't lock in anything in the 50s or 60s without pulsing and gliding and losing speed all the while, but my foot may not have been steady when I set the MPG. I'll have to keep testing and see if there are any settings I can mess with to make it level out. I have the Rostra Global Cruise and it has 12 DIP switches. I currently have it set to:
Gain (Sesnativity): Extra Low - OFF OFF
Pulses/Mile: 8000 - ON ON OFF OFF
Engine/SetUp Timer: 8 Cylinder/Low - OFF OFF OFF
VSS Source: Square Wave Input - ON
Transmission: Manual - OFF
Control Switch: ON
I guess I'll start with the 8 Cylinder DIP switches and change it to 4 cylinder. I read on this thread to set your vehicle to 8 cylinder/high power to decrease the sensativity. Any other input? Why else would it be so jerky and unable to "lock" onto a certiain engine load/MPG?