Arduino, logging and communications
A bit of a change of pace ... switch from wiring to communications
I reviewed the requirements for my Arduino sketch:
- interface to GPS - accept data in standard format, parse, save info to memory and to file
- interface to PLC - accept data in text format, parse, save info to memory and to file
- select data from memory and display locally
- select data from memory and send out USB to local PC
- interface with Labview, data exchange
So this application is the hub of communications ...
- it accepts data from GPS and PLC when supplied, parses it into a usable form, stores it in memory and to diskdoes stuff to it, and stores it
- it supplies this data to a local display, a PC interface, or a Labview interface
To interface to several things at once, I will likely need an additional UART. This can likely be done with a software serial port if it is not very fast
Set up all of the serial interfaces
Activate interrupt handlers
main program loop waits for a data flag, then calls a few routines to process and log
Sounds pretty simple ... but I'm sure it will be a pain.
Nonsense ... this is the FUN part!