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Old 04-23-2012, 12:32 AM   #97 (permalink)
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Arduino, logging and communicating

This is quite exciting. I now have:
- a serial interface on the arduino UNO that looks like it will work with the output from my PLC
- an ethernet interface that looks like it will display info from the PLC to a web page
- the web page display works through a wireless router - wire is required from the arduino to the router, but the displays do not need to be wired to the router. Wireless works fine.

Next on the agenda:
- get a second serial port working on the Arduino so that it can capture GPS data as well
- solder up the datalogging shield. Use the examples to add logging of the data from the PLC to a data file on the compactflash. Log GPS
data there as well as weather station info if I can get that into the Arduino as well
- research the OLED shield some more, find some examples, and get it working so that I have a local display that will show me some data without the router, nook, etc
- work on the excel spreadsheet to trend the data that is logged by the datalogging shield
- see if there is a CAN enabled version of the Arduino, or a shield, so that I can log this type of data for my CAR
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