Thread: HiLoMag
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Old 04-23-2012, 03:27 PM   #14 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Lincoln #4 - '93 Lincoln Town Car Executive
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You forgot to include the HiLoMag option which would be the same as intranational air travel, but with stops available at every intersection as provided by the Interstate Highway System. Very convenient and exceedingly cost effective.

The HiLowMag system is not for bikes, but one could offer a van-like carrier for the highspeed transport of bikes. An interesting side business, to be sure. There would be a seat for the rider and a place for his bike. At the other end, he takes out his bike and pedals to the hotel of his choice. Makes for a more economical weekend in San Diego for someone coming from NYC say. A very interesting idea indeed. Talk about a cheap vacation! Six hours each way and one could sleep during the ride. Not too shabby! (I like it, as long as there is room for my surfboard. )

The sky's the limit with such fast and cheap transport.
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