sven7; are you familiar with Bernoulli's principle?, my jeeps underside isn't flat like a car's is.
the abridged version is longer distance around lowers static pressure and increases dynamic pressure, there's a higher pressure in the bubble under the jeep, the air going down the skid would accelerate, creating a boundary layer. lift, i think suction would be more likely; that's if you take away the side wakes, and gusts of wind.
[rant]and about the manufactures not giving a ****, i think they have more too them then just being a one headed giant. More like a three headed hydra; there's what the engineers originally design, that gets morphed by the executives(by focus groups), and then the bean counters make the quotes for how much it may make over the products life span, minusing along the way costs for research and development; along with the epa and cafe standards, the engineers come up with ways to meet those standards, present them to the executives, who in turn make decisions based on how much the product might make. Long story short what we get is generally far from what the engineer originally designed; and more along the lines of how much the executives are willing to wager on their product.
tldl; we get the smoking log out of the hydra's ass[/rant]
Last edited by baldlobo; 04-24-2012 at 04:09 AM..