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Old 04-25-2012, 06:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Project number 2 for this month, Aero Trailer!

I am gettin excited about building some aero stuff!

Getting the F-150 to do patterns, prototype and testing this weekend, and already looking forward to the next product to develop :-)

I was looking at an old post and something jumped out at me, it was the image indicating the various cds of following a car and towing a trailer, the lowest portion made my jaw drop! .31 cd to .12 cd!

Any how, Ive had another idea for a while, to build a "pusher trailer" and installing an ev motor - Or 10hp diesel - Or both. (the Diesel would be on a clutch and only be used for droning down the highway right in its effeciancy "sweet spot"

And or just the Diesel and a gen head and use it as a range extender for pure EVs.

Some neat ideas I want to monkey with are:

making the tongue variable length and deploying it based on vehicle speed (over 45mph it would "tuck" in close to the car, under 45 when more clearance is needed for turns etc, it would extend 20 to 24 inches.

Figuring out a good looking, removable, and effective gap seal for the tow car to REALLY make the aero work.

Seeing if I can get the damn thing actually built in the next 2 weeks :-)

So again, I ask: Input, suggestions, ideas, criticisms?

So again, I ask the gurus what they think

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	168bcw5.jpg
Views:	72
Size:	92.8 KB
ID:	10730   Click image for larger version

Name:	TopViewHwyMode copy.jpg
Views:	68
Size:	77.4 KB
ID:	10731   Click image for larger version

Name:	TopViewLocalMode.jpg
Views:	56
Size:	77.7 KB
ID:	10732   Click image for larger version

Name:	UnfairedAeroTrailerHwyMode.jpg
Views:	67
Size:	74.2 KB
ID:	10733   Click image for larger version

Name:	UnfairedAeroTrailerLocalMode.jpg
Views:	61
Size:	70.1 KB
ID:	10734  

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