In a nutshell a biodiesel (Bio-D) processor is a device to transform Vegtable oil in to Bio-Diesel using heat, lye and alcohol.
Advantages of Bio-diesel over Straight Vegetable oil
1) no "conversion"
2) Excellent lubricity
3) Less cold start issues
4) no 2nd tank
5) Salable to anybody with a Diesel (quasi-legally)
6) Recognized as a legitimate alternative fuel
7) Blends in any % with Petro Diesel
8) Much higher Cetane (similar to octane, but for diesel) resulting in smoother running
Advantages Of Bio Diesel over Petro/ Dino Diesel
1) Best lubricating Diesel Fuel.
2) Higher Cetane (similar to octane, but for diesel) resulting in smoother running
3) Lower Cost
4) Less Smoke
5) Lower Emissions
1) lower energy content per gallon than Petro diesel, Similar to Regular Gasoline
2) Lower peak power, unless tuned for lower energy content (small difference)
3) Not compatable with all types of particulate filters (only comming stateside this year)
4) Worse cold start performance / higher gel point than Winter Diesel. Must blend with Diesel / Kerosene in sub freezing conditions.
There are many "styles" of Bio-Diesel processors, the simplist and most common is know as the "Appleseed".
The Appleseed consist of
1) a Water heater
2) a pump
3) a settling/ wash tank
4) plumbing
Oversimplified the process goes something like this
1) collect oil
2) Load measured amount of oil in to water heater/ start pump to stir
3) begin Heating oil to 120 deg F
4) deermine ph of oil
5) Calculate quantity of lye + Alcohol to add to oil
6) Turn off heat
7) Slowly add lye + Alcohol
8) pump mix out to settle/ wash tank
9) allow to settle
10) drain off waste
11) Wash Bio-Diesel with water SLOWLY
12) drain water/ dry the water out of Bio-diesel
2016 Tesla Model X
2022 Sprinter
Gone 2012 Tesla Model S P85
Gone 2013 Nissan LEAF SV
2012 Nissan LEAF SV
6 speed ALH TDI Swapped in to a 2003 Jetta Wagon