SkyKing, I would welcome any and all ideas on the "tongue articulation System"!
KamperBob, I am thinking a single wheel, 1000lb trailer spindle, hub, wheel. Using a 145/60/15 LRR car tire.
The trailer will have a 2" od section that goes into the receiver and have an automotive U-joint (To allow the trailer to turn on 2 axis, up and down / left and right, but not side to side because of the single rear wheel.)
This 2" section will "sleeve" a 1.5" section square tube so as the trailer "pulls in" toward the tow vehicle the structure will remain sound. I know there is lots to do, but in the internet world where I have spent the last 12 years, fast is good!
I am actually between businesses, sold my share of an internet company and am looking to get something up and testing so I can get to profitability fast.
I am going to try like the dickens to get the first F-150 aero shell AND the basic trailer prototype framed out this weekend :-)