Originally Posted by California98Civic
"boast about who has the best brain".
I have the best
brain so why don't the rest of you dummies just shut up and listen to me.
On a more serious note, I come here to read/learn/enjoy other people's idea's and if I have an opinion I TRY to give it without being offensive to others. I agree that sometimes with remarks that others have posted toward others that try to lead everyone to believe they are the only one that knows anything, it sometimes makes it hard to be civil. Nobody likes a know it all. I often read remarks made by other people that I don't agree with that are putting down someone else's ideas/thoughts or something that's not scientifically proven/disproven, in those cases I usually form my own opinion of the one doing the flaming, but try to ignore their ignorance and often their future posts. I also spend lots of time on
www.cartalk.com and like their user rating. At the bottom of each post there's several buttons that can be clicked on for user rating. I don't remember them all right now, but I know some of them are agree, disagree, like, and off topic. The other day a new user was asking several questions concerning cars and another user said something to the effect of he was getting tired of all the dumb questions. I gave him a disagree!! This person had a desire to learn and someone was calling his questions dumb.