Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
The one time that I coast a long time but leave the engine on is if the engine is still cold -- you need to bring it up to about 165F in my car to get it off of the richer mixture, so idling while coasting to warm it up seems worth it.
As you probably know, warmed up, newer cars with oxygen sensors go "closed loop" where fuel injection is adjusted based on the oxygen in the exhaust. When cold, they run "open loop" and inject an amount from the table... the "fuel map" (with actually many other adjustments). Lean burn is yet another mode but that's newer technology.
I'm under the impression somehow that wear and tear is high on a cold engine, and in Minnesota here,... sometimes that's 40F and sometimes that's minus 40F. I wonder if hard pulses on an engine not at operating temp is wasteful in terms of excessive wear.
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
And bump starting is probably better than using the starter, so if you have a standard, you can turn it off, wait a second and then turn it on again so that you can bump start it as quickly as possible, as needed.
Agreed. It seems safer too. Always do this, unless I get stopped at a light or something.