Thanks for commenting on this.
Originally Posted by brucepick
My preferred would be to have a good electric preheater that warms the block via the coolant.
Yes, I'm thinking that would have a lot of benefits and self-installed, they are only about $50. You just wouldn't want to run them all night like we used to when I was a kid.
The grill block is very effective I think.
Originally Posted by brucepick
So while warming up, especially in winter weather, I pulse and glide as aggressively as I dare. I really avoid idling whether rolling or not. I also avoid coasting in gear; that mostly slows the car down and doesn't do anything much to warm it up. I'm not a big fan of wide open throttle, or even of 60-80% open throttle. So I'm using moderate throttle when engine is running.
So you start EOC right away? I'd think full temp would take a good while at say 35 on city streets.