it was a humanities course...
"ancient engineers" was the course. the project was to make something. (emphasis on the period.)
i ran into some time constraints. really i would've liked to have done more in terms of testing, but i just didn't have the time (at the time). I was taking 5 classes and now i'm a stay-at-home-dad! living in korea and owning 1 vehicle that's an suv makes things harder now, too.
for me, the project WAS about improvement, of course. the paper in itself was more about the history of such efficiencies and engineering feats. but, ultimately, it was about obtaining a big number, which i did! that beetle got pretty good mileage to begin with and i tracked it pretty avidly on another website, which is how i knew where to begin.
i'm aware that my test wasn't as scientific as perhaps it should've been, which i guess i kind of regret, but hey, we live and we learn. and also to the scientific bit, i'm very well educated as to how scientific concepts work. I think at the time i did the experiment i was more excited than anything and very green in my understanding of aerodynamics and "ecomodding", if you will.