Yes, no, maybe, and does not apply, depending on the question.
Paper towels - don't use them at home much at all. I think the current roll has lasted about 5 years.
Cooking - yes, but a lot of that is just better cooking,
Timers for heat - no, I just throw a few logs in the wood stove before bed. I'm perfectly comfortable in the mid-60s.
Dishwashing - I've never used the dishwasher in my place. With one or two people, it's quicker to wash by hand than to stack things in a dishwasher until I have enough for a load.
And of course the crucial one:
PS... Is anyone willing to watch a smaller TV because it costs less, AND uses less Juice???
There are no circumstances in which I'm willing to watch TV.
I do agree about frugality, which isn't at all the same as being cheap. Most people seem to spend simply for the thrill of spending, or because they think it enhances their status or something (look up potlatch). I spend on things that I think will improve my quality of life, so if I need something, I will often buy a more expensive item of better quality - that is, best value rather than lowest price.