I love VMaxs- my badass bike (Velocity Maximum) and VMax as personal budget philosophy (Value Maximizing).
Right now I'm enjoying a succulent steak dinner courtesy of my gambling friend and the local casino. He gets perks including free dinners quite a bit, for which I'm invited to partake quite often in exchange for the "free" mechanic work I do for him. I always order steak and shrimp and while waiting for it I pretty much destroy their most excellent salad bar. I'm so stuffed by the time the actual entree shows up that I box it all up (and throw another trip from the salad bar on top of it)- good for 2 or 3 more meals at home AND I make sure to get everyone else at the table's trimmings for the cat, which the cat
really loves!

The casino staff doesn't seem to care; they throw away more food in 3 minutes from slobs that don't eat what they take than any amount I'll
ever be able to abscond with.