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Old 05-04-2012, 11:42 PM   #9 (permalink)
old jupiter
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I'm old enough to remember the DIY magazines my dad was getting in the Fifties . . . Mechanix Illustrated, Science & Mechanics, Popular Science, . . . and see not only feature articles on that year's Run, but cover articles telling you the "secrets" of winning cars and drivers of the Run.

I wish I had saved some of those articles on the Run; I did save an article on the Fish carburetor, which along with the Pogue carburetor was one of those "miracle inventions" that were ultimately killed off by dark forces in the auto and oil industries, according to the conspiracy lovers of the time.

As far as the "secrets" of the Run, I think they were a combination of hyper-miling by the drivers, and very close tuning by the factory mechanics (possibly some cheating??), plus tall, skinny tires with the tread shaved and pumped up to 60psi.
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