T.Fowler, I like your Schwinn. I had one somewhat like that all the way through grade school, but I don`t even know what model it was. In my mom`s kitchen drawer, I found one picture of me on the bike, but can`t make out the model. Sure wish I knew what happened to that bike. I remember that I moved on to a series of garge sale "ten speeds" when I started high school because it was quite a commute on the old 3-speed, and it was too small for me by then anyway, but nobody seems to remember whether the Schwinn was passed along to somebody else, sold, rotted into oblivion, or what.
Originally Posted by Xringer
I was thinking that one of those kid trailers might be good to have,
just in case the we have 10 a gallon gas, after the next elections..
I think one of those rated for 80-100 pounds could haul a full load of groceries..
Of course, we might not be able to afford to buy a full load..
Because, high gas prices will increase the price of everything else.. 
Haha- Ain`t that the truth!
Careful with loading up a bunch of groceries unles you live close to or downhill from where you buy them. They get heavy a hurry! I don`t buy a lot of canned goods, and still two panniers full of groceries normally end up heavier than a load of camping gear. Maybe they need to start making vegies from goose down.