Originally Posted by adamj12b
Well It looks like the processor is still doing something because I still get a 16.0001Mhz clock on the CKOUT pin of the chip. If I enable the watchdog to always be on, the LED blinks rapidly and I get a clock out of about 2Mhz. This makes me think that when the watchdog is always on, the chip just cycles and cycles.
The way it is right now, the status LED is solid on.
Im going digging through the code again and going to try and set up some serial prints at points of start up hopefully to find where its failing.
On a side note, I commented out all the code in the enable and disable watchdog functions with no difference in operation..... This lead me to wanting to add the serial prints.
Hi Adam,
I know it's a pain debugging such an issue and that you are really busy chasing 1001 other matters, this I ask as I am sure you have many of us on edge ,also how is the vette doing???