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Old 05-08-2012, 06:00 PM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Jack
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I'm not sure what this disregarding weight reduction I'm hearing lately.
perhaps because you can't get high MPG in stop-n-go traffic.
Bragging about big MPG is going to need highway runs and aero is big there.

Lower weight is also a big factor in highway mileage too, why?
Because a very lightweight car CAN USE A MUCH SMALLER ENGINE
to get it up to speed, and thus get better highway mileage..because it has
a much smaller engine. Of course if you have an existing car and can't change engines, the lighter car isn't going to matter much for HIGHWAY mpg.

And I didn't even mention that a lighter car will accelerate faster, and make driving more enjoyable and even safer, oh I just did.

Originally Posted by skyking View Post
basjoos-type aero > any weight reduction carving
But that is just my opinion.
EDIT: I got to thinking, what if your average speed is low, lots of light to light, stop and go?
I keep assuming people live in the more wide open spaces where you can get rolling, like Basjoos. That is a bad assumption on my part.
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