Looking for advice on de-ricing my 93 Civic VX
Hi all,
I just bought a Civic VX that the previous owner thought he was making into a race car, but in reality all he did was make more work for me. My immediate goal for the car is to get it to pass smog in CA so I can get it registered and start driving it. I’m going to need to deal with 3 trouble codes (10, 12, & 48)
1st. problem: The car has no CAT. The previous owner installed a header and sold the stock manifold and CAT for scrap. I'd like to just install a CAT after the header and try for smog, but I don't think that that will fly in CA. I'd love to hear from anyone that has any knowledge on this issue. The 5 wire O2 sensor is installed in the header, but with the #48 code I don’t know if it’s still any good.
2nd problem : Trouble codes 10, 12, &48. The previous owner installed an aftermarket intake and some kind of wire breather valve on the rear left hand side of the intake manifold under the purge valve and there are vacuum lines unhooked. I found a troubleshooting guide for the #10 code and am in the process of going through that one now, but would still appreciate any advice on it. From what I’ve read about #12 I need to clean out the EGR ports and if that doesn’t work replace the EGR valve. Please let me know if anyone knows anything else about fixing this code, or if anyone knows of a how to on cleaning the EGR ports that is specific to the VX engine. As for the #48 code the previous owner relocated the O2 sensor so I need to find out if it’s a problem with his wiring job or a bad O2 sensor; all I know is to shake the sensor to see if it rattles. Any advice on testing/troubleshooting this code would be great.
Also, can anyone give a recommendation for a good VX shop manual, something with troubleshooting guides in it? I found a factory one for a 94 VX on ebay, but I don’t know what would be different between my 93 & the 94. If anyone knows of one for the computer I’d rather have that.
Please pitch in with whatever knowledge you have and thank you very much for your time. I'm still trying to figure out how to get pictures into posts, but I'll figure it out and get some up here ASAP.
Last edited by ian; 05-08-2012 at 10:32 PM..