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Old 05-09-2012, 09:24 AM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Enthusiast
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Jeepper - '97 Jeep Wrangler Sport
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Have you seen Neil's video cameras? If not, this may be of some help.
I hadn't seen that post, thanks, I'll check it out.

Trim something up the right shape, clean the surfaces, and use windshield urethane to glue it in. (3M Window Weld is a Godsend in my line of work.) Use gloves, rags, and lacquer thinner on for smoothing/cleaning. Just position it right the first time. You do not want to have to remove it again.
I started making a template last night (as my internet was down, hence the delayed reply). But I was thinking of actually using bolts and bolt them in. Then possibly using a piece of plastic to "bend" around the cam, I think the windshield urethane may come in handy there.

Also, I would imagine your power mirror circuits to be normally open.
Yeah I was thinking about that last night, they probably are, so if I must I'll have to run a 12V through my door.

My current LCD screens are LED backlit, and they are a *lot* better than the first set I had:
Wow your setup is nice, I only glanced at it but will definitely spend some time going through the posts on that thread this AM.

I live by the saying you get what you pay for, so I am not expecting much out of the initial purchase, but if it does what's expected (for a month) I'll be happy and willing to buy a higher quality setup, maybe $60
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