Let me explain why "...the way we really drive..." is important as a standard.
On the one side we hear complaints about how the EPA standard is useless, because no one drives like the EPA standard for compairing motor vehicles. On the other side are the hypermiles, like us, who can get 30% to 0ver 100% above EPA Standard for comparing motor vehicles.
In my case the way I really drive my GS500 gets better than 80mpg yet under, the way most people drive, a semi streamlined GS500 they would get 70 mpg.
The overwellming majority of drivers are unlikely to change there behaviour, so what "...the way we really drive..." Standard tells us is what the average driver can get/expect from streamlining vehicles.
Driving the way I really drive my 500cc stream lined motorcycles will get better than 100 mpg, the average driver on the same bike will get 85 mpg...
The beauty of streamlineing a motorcycle from a hypermilers point of view is that as the aero drag drops the range of hypermiling tools that can be used expands as does the amount of time in use, so that by hypermiling a 500cc streamlined motorcycle we could get as much as 150mpg!
Last edited by redyaris; 05-10-2012 at 11:27 AM..