Originally Posted by ProDarwin
Unfortunately, there is really no reliable way to A-B-A test anything around here since the nearest traffic free section of road is probably over an hour away, unless I feel like doing my testing at 3:00AM. I'm happy with just logging my mileage as usual for now - after all, its gas usage that I'm really after. Even if its a placebo that makes me subconsciously drive better... I'll take it 
I am lucky in this regard. My nightly return commute is usually pretty stable. The highway's pretty empty, and it's really easy to just set the cruise to 72 and do a good 25 mile stretch without even having to change lanes. That takes out a good number of variables, right there. Of course, outside temperature and humidity still factor in...
When I get this thing working tomorrow, I am going to monitor throttle position and manifold air pressure, in addition to intake air temperature.