If you enjoy a stick, make sure to buy one. If you don't enjoy it, don't buy it. As the used are almost the price of new, buy the new one. The insurance adjusters don't care that you have to pay more than NADA book for a used one, they give based on NADA. So if you were to have a claim, you are better off in a vehicle you don't have to pay more than NADA to buy.
Several years ago, I tried to buy a 2 year old pickup truck. I was amazed at the high mileage on the ones on a new car dealers lot and that they wanted way over NADA retail for it. They actually had it a good bit over a low mileage vehicle according to NADA. I bought new. If you have to pay for a new vehicle, drive a new vehicle off the lot.
Keep in mind though, it's your money, spend it how you see Fit!